Mt. Emory Baptist Church
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
We love you and there's nothing you can do about it.

About Us

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Mt. Emory Baptist Church
(Romans 10:1) "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved."
Our Vision
The vision of the Mt. Emory Baptist Church is that Mt. Emory and Jacksonville will be saved. We believe God has called us to reach the unchurched of our city by using our God given spiritual gifts to provide unequivocal agape love and caring structures for families and individuals.

Our Mission

We have a five-fold mission to:
1) Exalt the Savior (Psalms 99:5; John 12:32; Phil. 2:9)
2) Evangelize Sinners (Matthew 28:18-20)
3) Expound the Scriptures (2 Tim. 2:15)
4) Equip the Saints (Isaiah 61:1-2; Ephesians 4:12)
5) Enlist the Servants (Joshua 24:15; 2 Cor. 5:18-21)





Our Values:   

1) Faith in Jesus Christ
2) Passion for the Gospel
3) Love for all people
4) Commitment to spiritual growth
5) Worship as a privilege and power of meeting God with other believers





Our Value Statement: 

1) We are committed to equipping Christians through Biblical preaching and teaching God's Word.
2) We are committed to reliance on prayer for direction, conception, planning and execution of the ministries and activities of this church.

We are committed to small group ministry because it is where most individual transformation, conversion, and leadership development takes place.


We are committed to helping people discover their spiritual gifts that they might use them in the building up of the Body of Christ, the church.

5) We are committed to the ministries of this church being carried out by servant-leaders of God. This will be accomplished through training opportunities and through practices that encourage lay initiative, leadership responsibility and authority in various ministries in the church.

We are committed to reaching all people, without regard to race, gender, age, lifestyle, or whatever.

7) We are committed to receiving direction from the Holy Spirit that enables creativity and innovation. 

We are committed to maintaining a high standard of excellence in all of ministries. This will be achieved when every person is exercising his or her God-given spiritual gifts to the best of his or her ability.


We believe that we exist to share Christ with others. We will develop aptitudes that encourage numerical growth without compromising in any way our integrity or our commitment to Biblical truth.