
How To Be Saved

Here are the logical steps from God’s Word, the Bible, that all must take to be saved.


STEP 1. Realize you have sinned and there is punishment for sin.


STEP 2. You cannot save yourself.


STEP 3. God has provided salvation for all who believe in the finished work of Christ on the cross.


STEP 4. Repent of your sins.

Repentance is a change of mind that results in a change of actions.


STEP 5. Confess you sins to God.


STEP 6 . Receive Christ into your heart by faith.


STEP 7. Proclaim Jesus as Lord.



God, be merciful on me, a sinner. I have sinned against you and I am sorry for my sins. Please forgive me for my sins and the life I have lived. I willingly repent of my sinful life and believe Jesus Christ died for me. I want to receive Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. Come into my life and I will live my life for you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.


After you have accepted Christ in your life as your personal Lord and Savior, it is important that you choose a church home to continue to learn about living for Jesus. Please consider becoming a new member at Mt. Emory and visiting us at the following location:

Mt. Emory Baptist Church

426 S. Church Street

Jacksonville, IL 62650
